growing strong roots

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Music is a dominant theme of our daily life at Peace Tree. Our children have the opportunity to engage in musical experiences at all times, whether it's playing with an array of musical instruments or daily circle time accompanied by our guitar, ukalele and piano players.

Opportunities to explore and discover artistically is an important precursor to self-expression and imagination. Various art mediums are provided to allow the child to experience the whole spectrum of artistic expression. We believe that young children benefit most from art experiences that are predominately sensorial. Each month our lead guides plan a variety of art experiences for their children that are developmental appropriate and tie in with their monthly themes.
Yoga & Movement

Freedom of movement is a core component of both Montessori and RIE philosophies. Our environments are designed to optimize movement and avoid restrictions. We understand that between the ages of 0-6, children rely on movements to learn and grow. Many materials provided in the classroom are designed to stimulate fine and gross motor skills. Movement exercises such as yoga, dancing and games are daily occurances in our indoor and outdoor environments.
We offer: Weekly formal yoga instruction from Honey Heart Kids Yoga for our Toddler & Preschool Communities.
Visit Honey Heart's website for more information!
Nature & Gardening

Gardening is an on-going part of the Peace Tree curriculum. We are fortunate to live in an area of the world that can sustain gardens year-round. Children will have the opportunity to participate and observe the entire lifecycle process of the garden, from planting the first seed to tasting the first carrot. Our harvests will be brought into the classroom and prepared into something yummy by our older children for everyone to enjoy. We believe it is extremely important for children to partipate in the growing of food and fully understand what it takes to nourish our bodies.
Our playground is designed to be a "natural playscape." Instead of traditional playground equipment we utilize natural elements to create a dynamic and beautiful playspace for children to connect with nature. Logs, dirt, sand, sticks, water... these objects hold a child's curiousity and allow them to learn while they play. Outside play is a must, regardless of the weather, children can benefit from the outdoors in every season.